We Vow To Carry On the Fight Until We Get the Rights We Deserve

Who We Are
HKDC is a Washington, D.C.-based nonpartisan, nonprofit organization founded in 2019 by Hong Kongers amid the pro-democracy movement. We aim to foster a coherent and collaborative diasporic community in order to enrich the global dialogue about Hong Kong’s democratic development and human rights issues. Our work focuses on educational outreach, community empowerment, and policy advocacy.

What We Do
We provide the public, the media, and policymakers with the critical information necessary to understand the current state of Hong Kong, raising international support for the advancement of its democracy and human rights. We also engage with stakeholders in and out of government to advocate for policies that promote freedom in Hong Kong.
We create a platform for diverse Hong Kong voices, facilitating knowledge exchange, collective strategizing, and network building to empower our community. We are committed to cultivating a future generation of leaders in our community by identifying and nurturing key changemakers.
Our endeavor is guided by the values of inclusiveness and egalitarianism embodied in, and exemplified by, Hong Kong’s multigenerational struggle for a democratic future.

We are a U.S.-based Hong Kong nonprofit led by U.S.-based Hong Kongers. We understand the immense and complex challenges our home faces. We are eager to promote our cause across the language and cultural divide.
We work closely with pro-democracy leaders spanning the generations and political spectrum that comprise Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement.
We have assembled leading experts in the U.S. who best understand Hong Kong’s democracy and human rights and are best positioned to be the authoritative sources of analysis.
We combine subject-matter expertise with on-the-ground experience. We are activists who’ve marched on the streets. Some of us have been jailed for acting on our beliefs. We’ve successfully garnered bipartisan support in Washington for Hong Kong.