Days when the 47 were taken away
In 2021, Hong Kong’s democracy suffered a devastating blow – the authorities charged 47 campaigners and participants in the pro-democracy camp primary election with “subversion” under the National Security Law. After enduring a bail hearing for consecutive days in an inhumane, “marathon” fashion, most of them were denied bail and have since been remanded in custody. For over a year, we still don’t see an end to their pre-trial detention, or an actual trial date. The mass arrest not only represents the purge of opposition voices in Hong Kong but also destroys the social fabrics of our civil society: someone else’s comrades, partners, friends, or family members were simply taken away with no prospect of being released soon. It is important to recount the human stories behind the 2.28 repression, especially when the government tries hard to make us forget and eliminate any public discussion. HKDC interviewed 5 political figures now living in exile: Nathan Law, Carmen Lau, Timothy Lee, Sunny Cheung, and Ted Hui. Through their memories and narratives, we hope to recount the stories of the 47 with you. Their stories must be retold again and again, to honor them, to inspire future action, and to remind us that our struggle for freedom can’t stop until we are all freed.
2021年,香港民主派經歷了史無前例的政治打壓--47位曾經參與或組織民主派初選的政治人物,在2月28日被政權正式控告違反國安法,大部份人被拒保釋並收押至今。當中47人經歷了連續數日不眠不休丶不人道的審判,以及至今長達一年的未審扣押,這些都反映了這場政治審判的荒謬。 他們不在的日子,除了對公民社會帶來沉重影響,令香港人頓時喪失了制衡政府的重要聲音外,更沉重的莫過於對他們身邊人所帶來的打擊。在一個個政治人物的背後,他們也是別人的伴侶丶戰友及親人。當政權嘗試扼殺公民社會對事件的討論,我們就有責任將有血有肉的故事傳承下去,令他們不會消失於公共記憶之中。 為此,HKDC採訪了五位流亡海外的政治人物,分別是羅冠聰丶劉珈汶丶李軒朗丶張崑陽及許智峯,跟他們談談對於身陷囹圄47人的感受,細說他們對戰友的記憶和思念。根據與他們的訪談內容,我們製作了數條短片,向公眾重新呈現事件背後的人與情。 只要一日有故事,都要有人說下去。記住他們的故事,記住他們的名字,才能為他們的犧牲創造最大的意義。
#HK228 Hong Kong's Mass Prosecution
Days Without The 47 他們不在的日子
(English Subtitles Available)
Full Interview with Nathan Law, Carmen Lau,& Timothy Lee | 羅冠聰 劉珈汶 李軒朗 足本版 (with ENG CC)
Full Interview with Ted Hui & Sunny Cheung |
許智峯、張崑陽 足本版 (with ENG CC)